søndag 7. april 2013

Yo. Torchlight 2 drawing.

So, here we are again. :D

I've been drawing lately, but I'm trying to do better, and thus I spend a lot more time finishing things and trying to learn more complicated methods.

I also play Torchlight 2 a lot, and I've started a mod for a monk character class in it. :D

I had to make an icon for the selector, for the new class, so today I made an easy version of the female monk, just for the mod, you can see it here:

It's not final yet, and it's heavily based on excisting torchlight 2 characters, much because I needed it to fit the frame.

Still, I was rather satisfied, and I'll keep working on it, as well as the male version. :)


lørdag 23. mars 2013

Magic the gathering.

Here's the next one.

A bit late, but I'm trying to color differently now, and it's taking some practice. Still, rather pleased with this one, so probably going to continue using the same techniques for the next few.

Basically, it's just how I imagine Johnny sees the cards when we play them, not as tokens or cards, but real life 3d creatures. :P ... I can't say I don't do the same. XD

Alright, that's it for now. :)

torsdag 7. mars 2013


So, here's another, a little late due to real life being busy lately. ^^

This acurately describes the encounters of Johnny and I in Torchlight 2.
It's a bit simple, I know, but hopefully it'll get better eventually.

So, hope it's a bit funny atleast. ^^

søndag 10. februar 2013

So, here we are, the next comic. ^^
This one shows the types of games we like the most, crudely drawn, I grant you, but still. ^^
Still practicing and trying to learn, I'm rather satisfied with some parts of this one, less so with other parts.

Going to switch coloring program eventually too, but that's still in the planning stages. ^^

Please feel free to comment and critique, I know there's lots to pick at in this comic, and any advice would be welcome. ^^


lørdag 2. februar 2013


So, here's the first comic. It's about what happened when me and Johnny entered our first pyramid in Minecraft.

Still working on the art style, and made this one pretty quick, so it's not too clean. Still, rather satisfied with it, not bad for just a couple of hours. More polish on the next one though. :)